Omni Linker Services
Omni Linker services addresses all integration related needs: development, implementation, operation, support and monitoring. The client can count on us through the entire integration cycle, without need to deviate the focus of its technical team.

Development and Implementation
All development, testing, homologation and implementation is made by Confluence, that has over 15 years of experience in complex systems integration.
Going beyond the common integration connections based on APIs REST/JSON and Web Services/SOAP, we have connectors to many other technologies like relational data bases (MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Postgree), text files messages (TXT, CSV, XML, Fixed Column), DLL, Sockets, among others. Besides, we can build specific connectors for different devices (for example access cards, weight scales, GPS sensors, cameras).

Support and monitoring
Integrations are essential for business and must be always on. Therefore, Omnilinker provides a set of options for support and monitoring.
There are two categories of panels: a group aimed to the technical team, focused on platform availability and connections. Other panel group targets business users, showing business rules errors (i.e. the lack of mandatory data or invalid code) that can be analyzed and corrected directly by the user.
To help clients understand error situations and investigate flaws, our support team is always available. The client does not have to have an integration-focused IT team.